Monday, March 19, 2012

Porn- Our fellow traveler in life!

Like all other ‘first’ things, no one can ever forget their first porn! It is like a cardinal memory of our life which we cannot just part away with. Every boy and girl has many sweet (sometimes sour) memories attached to it! And for everyone it has its own story!

I remember the first time we got a computer. I was so excited about having a real life computer in the house, and with internet! My parents thought I was super excited because of that, which I was, but I was also excited for the sweet internet porn I had the pleasure of experiencing at a friend's house. I waited till my parents went to sleep and I logged on. They told me I was allowed to use the computer only during certain hours but I was like ‘fuck that’, and attempted to cover the modem with a pillow (or blanket, I don't remember) to muffle the dial-up sound. I was up till about 7 am downloading every picture I deemed worthy and placing them in my super-secret folder within a folder within a folder.           

I vaguely recollect saving as many pictures as possible whenever my parents left the house. And if they ever came home early while I was looking up porn, I would quickly switch off everything connected to the computer and claim the computer froze for some reason. There was a close call one time where my mom walked in the room and I had to quickly shut off the monitor. When she asked what I was doing (I'm sure I had a panic look on my face), I told her I was drawing something and I didn't want her to see till I was done. She totally believed me, or so I thought! After all she’s a mom. Believe me these moms know everything. Maybe they have some super power or something. It was so awkward knowing that they knew I looked at porn but they didn't know I knew that they knew.

There is not a single boy on this face of earth who has not watched decent porn or simply adult entertainment movie (makes it sound decent and mature). And if they haven’t, it is probably because they are blind. All, literally all, men watch it. It’s like as soon as they turn twelve, some divine power guides them to the world of porn- their guide and mentor of their sexual life till they get laid and even after it! It has been around since the early years and it has only become more vast and entertaining.

It has been a ‘man thing’ for long! Having said that, don't assume that just men watch porn, because a lot of women do. It’s not just a ‘man thing’ anymore. Most girls won't admit that they watch it, but they do. Obviously the credence gap is there. Although girls mature faster than boys, this is one area where they can’t beat boys. It is a known fact- girls are shitty downloaders! It’s just not in their genes to be good at this stuff. And they just can’t go to a CD shop and ask for a porno. I’m not wrong in saying that the boys look after the porn life of the girls! I know all the girls reading this right now will be thinking “Fuck you dude! I got my porn from my best friend”! But just find out from where your dear friend got that! Ask her right now!

It’s just the frequency of watching porn that varies. But let’s not assume for one second that girls are far behind. Girls think guys are aroused by just about anything! It's actually the other way around according to Indian research on porn 2011. Men have pretty clear ‘targets’ - straight dudes get hot looking at ladies, while gay dudes are turned on by men. It's fuzzier for chicks, though. If they are in the mood, straight women experience physical arousal after viewing pretty much any kind of sexual stimuli — guy-on-guy porn, girl-on-girl action, and even bonobo monkeys getting frisky.

One of the questions asked by one girls to me was “Why do all guys get together to watch porn? Do you look for tips? Do you take notes or discuss the movie afterwards? The plot? Its highlights and low points?” I don’t know about taking notes but all other questions had one answer YES! Porn can open up so many things for people without them even knowing it. It is just a way of living out the fantasies that people never get, like a threesome or an orgy, or just getting to sit back and watch two girls go at it. Most men are drawn to it because it's ‘easy’. They don't have to be romantic with it, please it, endure its questions, or give it a massage. It’s always turned on and readily available.

One of the problems with porn is it makes you feel that you are all alone. The reality is that you are not. If you look around, almost all are watching porn. It’s the year 2012. Sex or porn is not something to be embarrassed or hide about. Why do people watch porn? It’s like asking why kids watch cartoon. Why do woman want to watch soaps? Is there anything wrong with watching?

Some people think that this world would be so much better if porn did not exist and there is nothing good about it. All those complaining about it are huge faking prudes. It would be like saying that vodka and alcohol ads lead to alcoholism. People like porn. That doesn't mean they're "addicted." Why do we have to call everything an addiction now? I like the Harry Potter movies, so are you going to call me an HP addict?

So who says porn is bad for you? Not me, not in this blog. There is nothing wrong with someone who chooses to watch porn and there’s nothing wrong with those who don’t like it. It’s called free will. But I know one thing for sure those who don’t watch it, they are being ignorant about one essential part of life!

In the end all I have to say is thank you Internet. Thank you PORN. :)


  1. There is nothing wrong about watching porn. Well, it is just considered as TABOO.

    In your next post, do post some effects or some activities that leads to it and those that come afterwards.

    1. hey Sam,
      Sure I will.
      Hope you have read my previous post :)
